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IN 2024...
Ships from over 10 different nations docked at SeaPort Manatee
(Ukraine, India, Philippines, and more)
1 BILLION Bananas passed through SeaPort Manatee
and if you're in Florida, you might've eaten one of them.
Anchor House distributed over 600 bags for personal relief to seafarers
we call them "Ditty Bags"
Over 500 ships docked at SeaPort Manatee.
some of them with workers who legally couldn't get off their ship
Over 10,000 seafarers passed through the Seaport
most of whom where International Citizens
Anchor House made over 1000's of meals to workers
and we were happy to do it
SeaPort Manatee made an economic impact of $7.2 Billion
making it one the Bay Area's largest economic motors
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